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Gun Transfers
What is an FFL Transfer?
If you want to purchase a firearm from another state, you need to have it delivered through an FFL. While private transfers are generally governed within the state, any time the firearm is crossing state lines for a sale, gift, or any other type of transfer, it must be shipped to an FFL so that it can be delivered legally. Cerakoters is a recognized FFL that can transfer your out-of-state firearm to you.
What Do I Need To Transfer A Firearm?
Whoever is shipping the firearm to you will need our address:
10413 Rockley Rd.
Houston, TX 77099
And they’ll think you’re wonderful if you provide a copy of our FFL certificate containing our license number, which you can download here. Give that information to the shipper, and that’s all they should need. When your package arrives, we’ll give you a call.
How Do I Pick It Up?
After we call you, we’ll arrange for you to come down and receive your firearm. You will need to bring your Driver’s License or State Photo ID. When you get to the shop, we’ll help you fill out the receiving paperwork. It’s the same paperwork that you would need to do if you bought the gun in-state. We’ll do the background check, and you’ll get your firearm. The whole process doesn’t take very long.
How Much Does It Cost?
The cost of an FFL transfer is $45.
When Do I Need an FFL Transfer?
Any time a gun is changing hands between different states, an FFL transfer needs to be done. If the state the gun came from is not the state on the receiving person’s license, then the transaction must be done through an FFL. State-to-state transfers are different than selling an old pistol to your buddy across the street, unless across the street happens to be in another state.
In general, if you order a gun from another state, it needs to be shipped to an FFL like Cerakoters, and then you can come and pick it up from us. You and the seller (or gifter) work out the details, they ship it to us, and then you come in so we can do the transfer. It’s all very easy. As said earlier. A name and a copy of the FFL is all they should need. Shipping requirements are made by the shipping company, and vary with parcel carrier.